Engineering Insights with Dean Mench Part 5/5:

The Future of Engineering

Today we are completing a 5 part series with Dean Matthew Mench of the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee. I want to sincerely thank him for sharing his insights with us over these past five weeks. I personally have learned a lot and I hope you have too.

Today you will learn how YOU can be apart of the future of engineering and solving the global challenges we face.

What is the future of engineering and how can young engineers be an integral part of it?

“The world has many gigantic challenges it is facing. Never in my lifetime have they seemed so intense and even potentially cataclysmic. All of these challenges have aspects that are at the very least related to engineering. The challenges we face in AI and cybersecurity, in conventional national security, in energy and sustainability, automation of industry and global economic competitiveness, for example.

People don’t think engineering and economics are related but if the tech innovation stops, the economy drops (excuse my need to rhyme on that one). The list goes on and on. And at the heart of all of it is the need to face these national and global challenges with advanced science and technology that will be achieved in practice through engineering.

This generation really needs to be ready, they will have a lot to take on. But I believe in engineering and the creativity and will of humanity to face seemingly impossible challenges and overcome them. We have in the past, way back to rubbing sticks together to create and harness fire, and I believe we will in the future.”

Dean Mench

Helpful Resources:

💪 Dare Mighty Things:

Push the boundaries of what is possible to inspire others. If you dream big, then innovation is sure to follow. We humans have been doing this for thousands of years and have created some incredible things.

Learn more about daring mighty things.

🪴 Be Curious:

Being curious has lead to incredible discoveries and inventions. When we stop wondering how things work and why things are the way they are, we cease to bring meaningful things into the world.

How can you be curious? Always be asking questions and looking around you at the things you walk past everyday. See things differently and be like a toddler seeing the world for the first time.

TLDR (too long; didn’t read):

  • There are many challenges to be solved.

  • Engineering is the solution to many of them.

  • Dream big and stay curious to be a part of the solution.

Photo of the Week:

Highlands, Scotland

Action Steps:

Dean Mench has laid out some of the large challenges we are facing globally. How will you be apart of the solution? What will you invent, improve, or solve?How can you be a problem solver? I’d love to hear what you think so please reply to this email :)

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Rock on,



or to participate.