Engineering Insights with Dean Mench Part 1/5:

Skills to Build as an Engineer

This week is the start of a new 5 part series with Dean Matthew Mench of the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee. Each week he will be sharing his advice for engineers in several important areas. His tips are relevant and actionable, so be prepared to learn.

What are the Most Valuable Skills to Develop as an Engineer?

“Great question. I will answer this by saying that I will assume that anyone that has graduated from a good engineering school has the fundamentals of engineering down. What I have seen separate people in terms of career success are attitudes and professional skills.

By attitudes I am referring to a positive, problem-solving mindset. Someone who is willing to put the effort in and work as a team member to get results that help the entire team, not just themselves. Hard work, preparation, and a positive team-based attitude wins out over someone who is more selfish, is not willing to work hard, and only enjoys personal success. I also think this approach leads to greater happiness and satisfaction on the job as well, so it’s a win-win.

By professional skills, I am referring to an ability to negotiate, read body language, leadership skills, management skills, emotional IQ and maturity, communication skills, team building, an awareness of aspects of business such as finance, and other similar aspects of professional development. Engineers typically have a deficit of training upon graduation in these areas, and additional self-studied attention to these critical skills can set them apart for tremendous early-career success. The world’s challenges have many facets, and an ability to see the challenges from angles beyond engineering will be increasingly valuable as we move forward.”

Dean Mench

Helpful Resources:

One of the best places to learn these types of skills is through reading books and taking online courses.


Covers several skills such as leadership, management, and team building.

Find helpful online courses at Skill Share and MasterClass to learn these skills.

TLDR (too long; didn’t read):

  • Learn the fundamentals of engineering in class.

  • Differentiate yourself by having a “positive, problem-solving mindset.”

  • Develop professional, soft skills.

Cool Photo of the Week:

Wick, Scotland

Final Thoughts

What skills that Dean Mench recommended do you need to develop? Start with one of them this month and spend 10 mins each day learning it. What professional skill that you have has caused the largest impact in your life? I’d love to hear about your experiences.

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